“Never Too Late To Experience Freedom” – a talk by Patricia Woodard

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Discover your real freedom. Learn how to be free from fear, relationship issues, employment, contagious diseases, and financial challenges. You will hear how Patty has relied on prayer as a young teen, parent, and Christian Science Practitioner by turning to God for healing.
Webinar URL: CSDanville.org
Danville, CA
925 837 6639
A free talk and discussion, A Spiritual Revolution: The Quest to Experience God, by Christian Science practitioner and international speaker Giulia Nesi Tetreau, explores the ongoing search for a spiritual perspective on living that can lead to an

Giulia Nesi
expectation of good and a better life experience. It’s ultimately about a search for the nature of an all-good God, and the practical and inspired effect of this God’s nature in life.
In my childhood, I was taught that God was both loving but also punitive. This two-sided God was no comfort to me as I grew older,” Giulia shared recently. “Christian Science revealed the God that is unconditional love, a reliable help no matter what I was dealing with or going through. I could experience God.”
In the talk, Giulia will share how she has experienced a “spiritual revolution” in her own life by reading the book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, along with the Bible. The ideas in Science and Health gave her an entirely new perspective on God and life that resulted in deeper meaning and even physical healings, both for herself and others. She is a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. In this role, she has addressed medical conferences, university classrooms, as well as general audiences around the world
For further information: 650 948 3602
A talk on Christian Science by Lyle Young

Lecturer Lyle Young
Location: Folsom Historic District, Amphitheater, 200 Wool St, Folsom, CA 95630
Who are we, really? You and I, and all humanity? The health, harmony, and joy we experience in life depends on our answer to this question.
Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the Christian Science church, had a profound insight into the nature of God as infinite Love. She perceived that God is the only substance, intelligence and Life of the universe, without the opposition typically ascribed to darkness or evil. Moreover, Eddy realized that this was the basis of Jesus’ healing works.
This is revolutionary. Eddy didn’t say that conflict, struggle, and disease exist as unavoidable realities, then in addition there’s also God’s love. Rather, she saw infinite Love, and genuine creation as the perfect spiritual expression of this Love, instead of the imperfect, material existence we typically assume unavoidably defines us. To Eddy, infinite Love, being infinite, simply excludes the possibility of anything else.
Such an unusual theology might have ended as a footnote to history, except that Eddy and her students boldly used it to reinvigorate Christianity and its lost element of healing. Since then, some 65,000 accounts of healing have been verified and published — healings of everything from cancer to AIDS to blindness, from drug addiction to broken bones.
Here’s one example. Decades ago, a friend of mine was diagnosed as having several tumors in her abdomen. Though the doctors didn’t think she could live much longer, they recommended an operation to determine the best treatment.
Meanwhile, my friend was praying with a Christian Science practitioner. She was understanding herself not as wholly or partly material — dependent on her genes or her childhood, or on surgery or chemotherapy — but as purely spiritual, part of the perfect spiritual creation mentioned above.
At her husband’s urging, my friend underwent the exploratory operation. But this time the doctor didn’t find one single tumor. In fact he said to her later that she was “clean as a baby.”
To the degree that we understand our identity as purely spiritual — knowing that each of us shines, now and eternally, as a unique expression of infinite Love — we experience healing. The result is wellness, opportunity, spiritual progress, and the highest degree of joy.
A free talk and discussion, A Spiritual Revolution: The Quest to Experience God, by Christian Science practitioner and international speaker Giulia Nesi Tetreau, explores the ongoing search for a spiritual perspective on living that can lead to an

Giulia Nesi
expectation of good and a better life experience. It’s ultimately about a search for the nature of an all-good God, and the practical and inspired effect of this God’s nature in life.
In my childhood, I was taught that God was both loving but also punitive. This two-sided God was no comfort to me as I grew older,” Giulia shared recently. “Christian Science revealed the God that is unconditional love, a reliable help no matter what I was dealing with or going through. I could experience God.”
In the talk, Giulia will share how she has experienced a “spiritual revolution” in her own life by reading the book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, along with the Bible. The ideas in Science and Health gave her an entirely new perspective on God and life that resulted in deeper meaning and even physical healings, both for herself and others. She is a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. In this role, she has addressed medical conferences, university classrooms, as well as general audiences around the world
Thu, May 19, 2022 at 7:00 PM In-person lecture
Location: Finlay Community Center, Santa Rosa, CA
707 543 5514
For more information: ChristianScienceSantaRosa.net
Sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Santa Rosa