Looking for peace?
Is there a peace that is a positive, enduring presence, and not just a lull between violent outbreaks?
How do we access it when we’re afraid or discouraged?
To the prophet, peace wasn’t simply the absence of conflict—a quiet or stillness. Peace was an irresistible, cool, and
steady force that nourished all life. It revived the depleted and dispirited. Unaffected by human boundaries, it coursed
through the nations, connecting them and sustaining them with the same living waters. Most important, it came from God.
It was a powerful image for an arid land. To the prophet, peace wasn’t simply the absence of conflict—a quiet or stillness.
Peace was an irresistible, cool, and steady force that nourished all life. It revived the depleted and dispirited.
Unaffected by human boundaries, it coursed through the nations, connecting them and sustaining them with the
same living waters. Most important, it came from God.
Peace like a river (see Isaiah 66:12) doesn’t evaporate with the end of the Christmas season after we’ve packed
away holiday decorations and gotten back to the business of the new year. “On earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14)
continues to flow through our thoughts and lives and communities. But because it is a spiritual power,
it requires spiritual discernment to recognize it and draw from it healing and restoration.
Drink in the full article here – by Robin Hoagland, published by the Christian Science Sentinel magazine.